Species occurrence dataset from Drennan et al. (2021) Annelid Fauna of the Prince Gustav Channel, a previously ice-covered seaway on the northeastern Antarctic Peninsula. This study and dataset present a preliminary account of the benthic annelid fauna of the Prince Gustav Channel located on the northeastern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, and of Duse Bay, a sheltered, glacier-influenced embayment in the northwestern portion of the Prince Gustav Channel. Samples were collected as part of the British Antarctic Survey JR17003a expedition February-March 2018 on board the RSS James Clark Ross. The samples included in this dataset were collected using an Agassiz Trawl, targeting megafaunal and large macrofaunal sized animals at depths ranging between 200–1200m.
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Drennan R, Dahlgren T G, Linse K, Glover A G (2021): Annelid Fauna of the Prince Gustav Channel, a previously ice-covered seaway on the northeastern Antarctic Peninsula - Data. v1.5. SCAR - AntOBIS. Dataset/Occurrence. https://ipt.biodiversity.aq/resource?r=bas_jr17003a_polychaetes&v=1.5
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Occurrence; Specimen
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Duse Bay and the Prince Gustav Channel, located on the northeastern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula
座標(緯度経度) | 南 西 [-65.839, -65.566], 北 東 [-61.69, -53.35] |
Annelid specimens were identified to the best possible taxonomic level. Where named species identifications were not possible, specimens were described as a morphospecies where the voucher number of a representative specimen is used as an informal species name for all specimens deemed to be the same species as the representative individual, e.g. Polynoidae sp. NHM_228. Where named species identifications were uncertain, the open nomenclature ‘cf.’ was used as a precautionary approach along with a representative voucher number, e.g. Antarctinoe cf. ferox NHM_232.
Phylum | Annelida |
Class | Polychaeta |
Family | Ampharetidae, Cirratulidae, Dorvilleidae, Flabelligeridae, Hesionidae, Lumbrineridae, Maldanidae, Myzostomidae, Nephtyidae, Opheliidae, Orbiniidae, Oweniidae, Paraonidae, Phyllodocidae, Polynoidae, Sabellidae, Scalibregmatidae, Serpulidae, Sternaspidae, Syllidae, Terebellidae, Tomopteridae, Travisiidae, Trichobranchidae |
Genus | Aglaophamus, Antarctinoe, Antarctinoe, Aphelochaeta, Augeneria, Austrolaenilla, Barrukia, Brada, Chaetocirratulus, Flabegraviera, Harmothoe, Leaena, Leitoscoloplos, Lumbriclymenella, Maldane, Myzostoma, Ophelina, Paranaitis, Pionosyllis, Pista, Polyeunoa, Protodorvillea, Sternaspis, Tomopteris, Travisia kerguelensis, Trypanosyllis |
開始日 / 終了日 | 2018-03-01 / 2018-03-07 |
Project describing, characterising and documenting the annelid fauna of the Prince Gustav Channel on the northeastern Antarctic Peninsula, based on specimens collected as part of the British Antarctic Survey JR17003a expedition February-March 2018 on board the RSS James Clark Ross.
タイトル | Annelid Fauna of the Prince Gustav Channel, a previously ice-covered seaway on the northeastern Antarctic Peninsula |
識別子 | JR17003a_Annelida |
ファンデイング | This work was supported by the National Environment Research Council grants: Regan Drennan has support by the NERC INSPIRE DTP (NE/S007210/1). Katrin Linse is part of the British Antarctic Survey’s Polar Science for Planet Earth Programme (NC-Science). Thomas Dahlgren was funded by the Norwegian Research Centre NORCE and the RSS James Clark Ross expedition JR17003a was funded by the NERC urgency grant NE/R012296/1 and enabled the participation of Katrin Linse, Adrian Glover, and Thomas Dahlgren |
Study Area Description | The study area included the Prince Gustav Channel, located on the northeastern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, and Duse Bay, a sheltered, glacier-influenced embayment in the northwestern portion of the Prince Gustav Channel. The channel is notable for both its deep (>1200m) basins, and a dynamic glacial history that most recently includes the break-up of the Prince Gustav Ice shelf, which covered the southern portion of the channel until its collapse in 1995, yet remains largely un-sampled. Samples were collected using an Agassiz Trawl, targeting megafaunal and large macrofaunal sized annelid worms at depths ranging between 200–1200m. |
研究の意図、目的、背景など(デザイン) | Study was designed and developed by Katrin Linse, Adrian Glover, and Thomas Dahlgren as part of the British Antarctic Survey JR17003a expedition (Larsen C Benthos) February-March 2018 on board the RSS James Clark Ross. Adrian Glover and Thomas Dahlgren sorted the samples and identified the specimens to family level in the field; Regan Drennan performed morphological taxonomic analysis and identification of samples in the laboratory, performed analyses, drafted the original manuscripts, and curated occurrence data. |
The Agassiz Trawl (AGT) apparatus used comprised of a 1cm mesh with a mouth width of 2m, and once on the seabed was trawled at 1 knot for 5–10 minutes at each site. The AGT targeted macro- and megafaunal sized animals 1cm and larger, though with some smaller animals additionally captured in the sediment retained in trawls. A ‘cold-chain’ live sorting pipeline was followed on board, as outlined in detail in Glover et al. (2016). In summary, AGT sub-samples were carefully washed on 300-micron sieves in cold filtered seawater (CFSW), and annelid specimens were picked from sieve residue, cleaned and maintained in CFSW, and relaxed in Magnesium Chloride solution prior to specimen photography. Specimens were imaged using Canon EOS600D cameras either with 100mm Macro lens or through a Leica MZ7.5 microscope with SLR camera mount. Specimens were preliminary identified on-board to family level, numbered and recorded into a database, and fixed in 80% non-denatured ethanol. Samples that could not be fully sorted on board due to time restrictions were fixed in bulk for later sorting. All specimens were returned to the Natural History Museum London (NHM) and were re-examined using a Leica M216 stereomicroscope, and key morphological characters were imaged using a fitted Canon EOS600D camera. Specimens were identified to the best possible taxonomic level using original literature, specimen keys, and comparison with type specimen material from NHM collections. Where named species identifications were not possible, specimens were described as a morphospecies where the voucher number of a representative specimen is used as an informal species name for all specimens deemed to be the same species as the representative individual, e.g. Polynoidae sp. NHM_228. Where named species identifications were uncertain, the open nomenclature ‘cf.’ was used as a precautionary approach along with a representative voucher number, e.g. Antarctinoe cf. ferox NHM_232. Where specimens were fragmented, only fragments that clearly bore heads were counted and included in abundance records, as standard practice. Morphological taxonomic identifications are preliminary and will be updated following molecular investigations of these specimens using DNA barcoding. Glover, G. A., Dahlgren, G. T., Wiklund, H., Mohrbeck, I., and Smith, R. C. (2016). An End-to-End DNA Taxonomy Methodology for Benthic Biodiversity Survey in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, Central Pacific Abyss. J. mar. sci. eng. 4. doi:10.3390/jmse4010002
Study Extent | The annelid specimens examined in this study were collected using an Agassiz Trawl (AGT) during the expedition JR17003a on board the RRS James Clark Ross February–March 2018, which sampled the northern portion of the Prince Gustav Channel (PGC) situated on the northeastern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. The three main sampling sites were as follows: (1) Duse Bay, a sheltered, glacier influenced bay located in the northwestern portion of the PGC; (2) PGC Mid, located in the main channel, including the second deepest basin of the PGC; (3) PGC South, the southernmost sample site, located in the main channel and including the deepest basin of the PGC. Three trawling depths (200 m, 500 m, 800/1000 m) were initially planned for each of the main sampling sites, with an additional deep 1200m trawl of the basin at PGC South. However, only at Duse Bay sites were all three trawling depths achieved, as 200m and 500m sites in the channel proper were too influenced by boulders to deploy the AGT. In total, six successful AGT deployments between depths of 204m and 1270m were carried out across the three sites and sorted on board for benthic fauna. In total In total, approximately 598 individual annelid specimens in roughly 57 morphospecies and at least 25 families were collected across all six AGT deployments |
Method step description:
- In addition to associated occurrence and collection data, specimen data generated following morphological identification steps outlined in the sampling description were assembled into a Microsoft Excel database using Darwin Core data standards.
- Drennan R, Dahlgren TG, Linse K, Glover AG (2021) Annelid Fauna of the Prince Gustav Channel, a Previously Ice-Covered Seaway on the Northeastern Antarctic Peninsula. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:595303. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.595303 doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.595303
Associated publication: Drennan R, Dahlgren TG, Linse K, Glover AG (2021) Annelid Fauna of the Prince Gustav Channel, a Previously Ice-Covered Seaway on the Northeastern Antarctic Peninsula. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:595303. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.595303 JR17003a cruise summary report: https://www.bodc.ac.uk/resources/inventories/cruise_inventory/report/16954/ Methodology for at sea ‘cold-chain’ live sorting pipeline: Glover, G. A., Dahlgren, G. T., Wiklund, H., Mohrbeck, I., and Smith, R. C. (2016). An End-to-End DNA Taxonomy Methodology for Benthic Biodiversity Survey in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, Central Pacific Abyss. J. mar. sci. eng. 4. doi:10.3390/jmse4010002
メンテナンス内容 | Morphological taxonomic identifications are preliminary and will be updated following molecular investigations of these specimens |
代替識別子 | f40d63cd-1315-4653-a318-076b5fee7867 |
https://ipt.biodiversity.aq/resource?r=bas_jr17003a_polychaetes |