This dataset describes heterotrophic bacteria that were isolated from five aquatic microbial mat samples from different locations in continental Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula.
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Les chercheurs doivent citer cette ressource comme suit:
Peeters K (2020): Heterotrophic bacterial diversity in aquatic microbial mat communities from Antarctica. v1.0. SCAR - Microbial Antarctic Resource System. Dataset/Samplingevent.
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L’éditeur et détenteur des droits de cette ressource est SCAR - Microbial Antarctic Resource System. Ce travail est sous licence Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0.
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Cette ressource a été enregistrée sur le portail GBIF, et possède l'UUID GBIF suivante : 74277118-41a6-4e2b-bfe3-4d002cca369f. SCAR - Microbial Antarctic Resource System publie cette ressource, et est enregistré dans le GBIF comme éditeur de données avec l'approbation du Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research.
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Couverture géographique
Different water bodies (lakes) on the Antarctic continent: East Antarctica, the Trans-Antarctic Mountains, and the Antarctic Peninsula
Enveloppe géographique | Sud Ouest [-82,45, -67,45], Nord Est [-67,7, 39,8] |
Couverture taxonomique
Heterotrophic Bacteria (504 strains) isolated from frozen microbial mat samples using culturing techniques.
Kingdom | Bacteria (Bacteria) |
Données sur le projet
The AMBIO project aimed to extend the baseline information of microbial diversity in aquatic habitats of terrestrial Antarctic environments.
Titre | Antarctic Microbial Biodiversity (AMBIO) |
Financement | BelSPO SD/BA/01 |
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche | the Antarctic continent. |
Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:
Méthodes d'échantillonnage
Microbial mat samples were collected aseptically using a sterile spatula, and were kept frozen continuously after collection until processing in the laboratory.
Etendue de l'étude | Bacterial strain isolated from five aquatic microbial mat samples from different locations in continental Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula, sampled between 2003 and 2007. |
Description des étapes de la méthode:
- One gram of sample was aseptically weighed and homogenized in 9 ml sterile cold (4°C) physiological saline (0.86% NaCl) using a vortex. Tenfold dilution series (kept at 4°C) were plated on four different media (Marine agar 2216 (MA) (BD DifcoTM), R2A (BD DifcoTM), ten times diluted R2A (R2A/10), and PYGV (Pepton-Yeast-Glucose-Vitamin) medium (DSMZ medium 621)) and incubated at 20°C, 15°C and 4°C. R2A (Difco) contains pyruvate, starch and dextrose as C sources and yeast extract, peptone and casaminoacids as N and C sources and PYGV (DSMZ medium 621) contains peptone, yeast extract and glucose as C and/or N sources and additional vitamins and minerals. Both are considered oligotrophic media because the amounts of these components are at least two to ten times lower than in more general media such as nutrient broth. In addition to regular physiological saline (PS) dilution series, sea water (SW) dilutions were used for the LA3 and WO10 samples which originated from lakes close to the ocean and had elevated conductivity values.
Données de collection
Nom de la collection | BCCM-LMG |
Identifiant de collection | BCCM-LMG |
Citations bibliographiques
- K. Peeters, E. Verleyen, D. A. Hodgson, P. Convey, D. Ertz , W. Vyverman, A. Willems (2012). Heterotrophic bacterial diversity in aquatic microbial mat communities from Antarctica. Polar Biol (2012) 35:543‐554. DOI 10.1007/s00300‐011‐1100‐4
Métadonnées additionnelles
Identifiants alternatifs | |